Friday, November 13, 2009

Start up tools

This tutorial will not cause you to master the piano but will have you playing songs within a few weeks if you put yourself into it so we will only work In the key of C for now.

We will be using the C Major scale and the following chords for the first few songs we will learn:

C major, F major, G major, D minor, E minor, and A minor.

See Charts for detail:

You will need to practice these using your right hand finding the most comfortable finger positions. Once you have mastered the C major scale and the above listed Chords you will then be ready for the next step.

Here I am to Worship made simple

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting started with basic piano theory

Before we began there is some basic theory that you will need to know (keywords, phrases, names notes, etc...). Even though a piano consist of 88keys their are only 12 notes. These notes repeat the selves over and over again. these 12 notes consist of what is 8 whole notes (the white keys), and 5 half steps none as sharps and flats. (see illustration below). Each set of these 12 notes is referred to as an octave. The first note in the octave is C and it can be recognized because it is followed by a black key, white key black key and then 2 white keys. Whole notes or white keys are named as follows:

C, D, E, F, G, A, and B .

The 5 half steps (beginning with the one that follows C) are known as Sharps and Flats and are written like so:

C # (#meaning sharp), D#, F#, G#, and A#.

As you may have noticed the black keys are named after the key it follows. If you have a piano or keyboard front of you and play the notes you'll notice that the sharps are actually 1 half pitch higher than the note it follows. Thus we get the name half notes.

Study these notes and learn them well as you will need them for our next step.

Before we go to far I would definitely recommend getting a basic chord book because as we advance it will come in handy trust me.

Note: Will be posting video soon

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A little background history

I have had a desire to play music since I was about 12 years old. I got my first keyboard around that time but had no idea what to do with it. Eventually it made a home in a corner of the basement gathering dust. When I was 16 years of age a friend of mine invited me to go to church with him so I went. I always had a desire to go but no one in my immediate family attended church at that time.

When I went my ears were filled with some of the most beautiful music I had ever heard in my life. Eventually I became a Christian and the love and desire to play music was stirred up all over again but with purpose. I wanted to glorify God on the instrument but had no knowledge on where to start and no money for lessons ( This was around 1992 and there were not a lot of rich internet sources like youtube back then.). I had a friend show me a few chord charts of which I practiced daily and diligently while keeping my ears full of different music from various Christian artist. Eventually God gave a major increase on the instrument and I now play for my local church.

What God has blessed me with musically I want to share with others who have the same desire I had then, and still do have till this day.


Have you ever wanted to learn how to play piano or keyboards?

Are you a part of a church that does not have a keyboard player, desire to help in that area, but don't have the knowledge or skill to fill in?

Do you have a child with an interest to be apart of the music ministry, and to learn piano, but no one that is willing to work with them or get them started in the right direction?

I can relate to all of the above and am creating this site to help others who want to learn praise and worship songs on piano but have no one to help. Over the next few months I will be walking you through simple yet effective techniques on piano that will allow you to play basic praise and worship songs such as "As the dear, Here i am to Worship, How great is our God, etc...". If this is of interest you then you are more than welcome to follow along.