Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Have you ever wanted to learn how to play piano or keyboards?

Are you a part of a church that does not have a keyboard player, desire to help in that area, but don't have the knowledge or skill to fill in?

Do you have a child with an interest to be apart of the music ministry, and to learn piano, but no one that is willing to work with them or get them started in the right direction?

I can relate to all of the above and am creating this site to help others who want to learn praise and worship songs on piano but have no one to help. Over the next few months I will be walking you through simple yet effective techniques on piano that will allow you to play basic praise and worship songs such as "As the dear, Here i am to Worship, How great is our God, etc...". If this is of interest you then you are more than welcome to follow along.

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